Want to Reuse Beeswax? Recycle It Instead!
You can reuse beeswax scraps, or you can recycle the beeswax, giving it new life as recycled beeswax candles that are donated to charitable organizations. It’s a win, win, WIN for our bee friends, the environment, and our community. Here’s how it works: Those of us who are part of the natural bee product industry…
Planting a Bee-Friendly Garden for Pollinator Week
Did you know that bees, like the rest of us, have favorite flowers? It’s true! They choose their favorites pretty much the same way we do: by which flowers are the brightest and the sweetest-smelling. This attracts them to flowers like bluebonnets, dandelions, and daisies. Unfortunately, bees are in trouble, due to widespread pesticide use…
Meet the Bees: Bumblebees and Buzz Pollination
When you work for The Beeswax Company, you get used to curious little honeybees buzzing into the shop to say hi. As such, bees are one of our favorite topics, and not only because we rely on honeybees for the wax we use to make our 100% pure beeswax candles, but because we recognize how…
Why Do Natural Beeswax Candles Vary in Color?
We’re often asked why our natural beeswax candles vary slightly in color from batch to batch. It’s a great question, and we have a fantastic answer—one we hope will help you better appreciate how natural beeswax candles are made. Mother Nature does a remarkable job of supplying consistency in the word around us, but natural…
What is Beeswax? A Trip to the Bee Yard
How do bees make wax? And what is beeswax anyway? We love answering those questions. Once in the beeswax business, bees themselves became irresistibly fascinating to us. The more we learned, the more we wanted to know. Our family even became hobby beekeepers in the process. Bees are extraordinary creatures. The way they live and…
Beeswax’s History in the United Kingdom
To us, beeswax is a timeless treasure. But we’re not the only ones who feel this way. Throughout history, countless people have found important uses for beeswax. It’s been an embalming agent, a form of currency, and an art tool. There are so many stories out there about beeswax, we want to share them with…